代表取締役 長江 聡
“ENCOUNTER” this is the origin of the company name INCONTRO meaning encounter in Italian, We commit to act under the theme of symbiosis and strive to be an organization that keeps growing with encountering people through fashion.
We aim to grow up with people who express empathy for our insistence on environmentally-friendly production and characteristic brands ‘Vivienne Westwood’.
We contribute to society through not only suggest fashion but customers-service and seek satisfaction and happiness.
Satoshi Nagae
You can contact us through this website. Please provide the following information.
Our representatives will answer your inquiry as quickly as possible.
当社は、個人情報をご本人に通知または公表した目的の範囲内で取り扱います。また、違法または不当な行為を助長する等の不適正な方法 により個人情報を利用しません。
当社は、個人情報を正確かつ最新の内容に保つよう努めるとともに、個人情報の盗難、漏えい、改ざん、紛失等の危険にさらされることの ないよう、組織的、人的、物理的および技術的な安全管理措置を講じます。
Incontro Company, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Incontro”) recognizes the importance of personal information and handles personal information properly as follows:
Incontro observes laws, regulations and guidelines related to personal information, has established a management system for the protection of personal information and strives for its continuous improvement.
Incontro acquires personal information by proper means. In addition, Incontro notifies the principal or otherwise announces the purpose of use in the acquisition of personal information.
Incontro handles personal information within the scope of the purpose of use notified to the principal or announced.
In addition, Incontro does not use personal information based on improper methods such as encouraging illegal or unjust acts.
Incontro does not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the consent of the principal in advance, except in cases established in law.
Incontro strives to keep personal information accurate and up to date, and takes organizational, human, physical and technological safety management measures so that personal information is not exposed to risks such as theft, leakage, falsification or loss.
If the disclosure, correction or discontinuation of use of personal information is requested by the principal, Incontro responds appropriately in accordance with the provisions of law. In addition, if a complaint is received from the principal, Incontro investigates the facts without delay and strives to handle it with sincerity.
Incontro may revise this privacy policy in accordance with changes in laws and regulations or the internal regulations of Incontro, etc.
Established on September 1, 2022
Incontro Company, Ltd.
(1) ブランド、商品、サービス、および店頭情報のご案内
(2) キャンペーン、優待施策、アンケート等の各種イベントに関するご案内
(3) メールマガジンの送信
(4) インターネットショッピング・通信販売における商品受注、発送、代金請求、代金決済
(5) 商品開発、サービス向上を目的としたマーケティング調査・分析
(6) 各種問い合わせ、販売サービス(修理等を含む)、アフターサービス対応
(7) その他、上記運用に必要なご連絡
(2) 上記以外に、当社の業務を円滑に遂行するため、業務の一部を委託先に対し必要な範囲で個人情報を預託する場合がありますが、この場合当社は、委託先との間で個人情報の適切な取り扱いに関する契約を締結し、委託先に対して適切な監督を行います。
(3) 当社は、次の範囲内で個人情報を共同利用します。
(1) 個人情報の開示について
(2) 個人情報の訂正、追加、削除、利用停止、消去、第三者提供の停止(以下、「訂正等」といいます)
(3) 開示・訂正等の請求手続き
*代理人によるご請求の場合、上記に加え、代理人である事を証する書類(委任状、健康保険証等) および代理人の本人確認書類(上記と同様)をお送りください。
送付先:〒541-0047 大阪市中央区淡路町2-3-5 株式会社インコントロ 管理本部 個人情報相談窓口
〒541-0047 大阪市中央区淡路町2-3-5 株式会社インコントロ 管理本部 個人情報相談窓口
株式会社インコントロ お客様相談室窓口
株式会社インコントロ(以下、「当社」といいます)は、ご本人からお預かりする特定個人情報 (マイナンバー(個人番号)を含む個人情報)を、行政手続における特定の個人を識別するための番号の利用等に関する法律(以下、「マイナンバー法」といいます)およびその他の関係法令、ガイドラインに基づき、以下の通り適正に取り扱います。
* 報酬・料金等の支払調書作成事務
* 配当、剰余金の分配および基金利息の支払調書作成事務
* 不動産の使用料等の支払調書作成事務
* 不動産等の譲受けの対価の支払調書作成事務
* その他前各号に関連する事務★
Incontro Company, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Incontro”) announces the following matters as a personal information handling business operator based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Incontro acquires and uses personal information within the scope required to achieve the following purposes of use.
Purposes of use of personal information
(1) To provide customers information on products Incontro handles
(2) To gather information required for R&D, manufacturing, sales and post-sales service for the products Incontro handles
(3) To provide guidance on exhibitions, seminars, academic meetings, etc., concerning the products Incontro handles
(4) To gather or provide customers with information to maintain or improve the quality, safety, etc., of the products Incontro handles
(5) To provide guidance on and implement various events including campaigns and questionnaires
(6) To respond to inquiries, requests, etc., from customers
(7) To provide information to and communicate with applicants during hiring and recruitment activities
(6) To exchange information and communicate with industry and group officials related to Incontro's business
(7) To implement other business of Incontro appropriately and smoothly
(1) Incontro does not provide the personal information of customers to third parties except in cases that fall under one of the following categories.
・Cases where the consent of the principal has been obtained
・Cases where disclosure or provision are requested based on the law
・Cases where it is required for the protection of a person's life, physical safety or property and obtaining the consent of the principal is difficult
・Cases where it is required for the improvement of public hygiene or the healthy development of children and obtaining the consent of the principal is difficult
・Cases where the cooperation of Incontro is required for a state or local government organization to implement matters established by law and it is possible that obtaining the consent of the principal may hinder the implementation of said matters
・Other cases where legally approved measures have been taken
(2) Apart from the above, there are cases where Incontro entrusts personal information within the scope required to a contractor entrusted with personal information handling work in order to perform Incontro's work smoothly, but in such cases, Incontro concludes a contract on the appropriate handling of personal information with the contractor and supervises the contractor appropriately.
(3) Incontro uses personal information jointly within the following scope.
【Joint use with Incontro group companies】
①. Items of personal information used jointly
Name, address, telephone number, FAX number, email address, affiliation (company name, department name, title, etc.), matters concerning inquiries, matters concerning product purchasing, matters concerning contracts
②.Scope of parties using personal information jointly
③.Purpose of use by joint users
As per “Purposes of use of personal information” above
④.Manager responsible for personal information
(Formulation of basic policy)
・•Incontro has formulated a basic policy to secure the proper handling of personal information. (Maintenance of discipline related to the handling of personal information)
•Incontro has formulated regulations on the handling of personal information concerning handling methods, responsible managers, personnel and their duties, etc.
(Organizational safety management measures)
・Incontro has established responsible managers for the handling of personal information and clarified handling standards, and maintains a system for reporting and communication to responsible managers in the event that the occurrence of a leakage or other concern, or a legal violation is grasped.
(Human security management measures)
・Incontro implements regular training for employees on matters that require attention with regard to the handling of personal information.
•Incontro has laid out matters concerning the confidentiality of personal information are stated in the Employment Regulations.
(Physical safety management measures)
・Incontro controls the entrance and exit of employees, etc., in rooms in areas where important information systems are managed.
・Incontro takes measures to prevent the theft or loss, etc., of equipment used to handle personal information, electronic media, documents, etc., and implements measures so that personal information is not identified easily.
(Technological safety management measures)
・Incontro implements access control and restricts personnel and the scope of personal information that they handle.
・Incontro has introduced mechanisms that protect information systems used in the handling of personal information from unauthorized access from outside and malware.
(Grasping of the external environment)
・Incontro implements safety management measures after grasping the systems for the protection of personal information in each country where it stores personal information.
Cookies are information sent to a customer's browser from a web server when a customer has accessed a specific website, and are recorded on the customer's computer. Incontro uses cookies for customers to view its website more conveniently when they visit again.Customers can disable cookies by manipulating the browser settings. In this case, they may become unable to use some functions. Please check the “Help” menu of the browser you use for how to change the cookie settings.
(1) Disclosure of personal information
If it receives a request for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure of the details or records of the provision to third parties of personal information, Incontro discloses that information without delay, including whether or not such information exists.
(2) Correction, addition, deletion, discontinuation of use, erasure and discontinuation of provision to third parties of personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Correction, etc.”)
If it receives a request for the Correction, etc., of personal information, Incontro investigates the details of that request without delay, performs the Correction, etc., within a reasonable range and informs the person who made the request of the results.
Please contact the Consultation Desk at Incontro below if you wish to make a complaint, consult or inquire about personal information. Please understand that if it is necessary to confirm that you are the principal or agent when you do so, we will implement separate procedures for confirmation.
Inquiries by post:
Personal Information Consultation Desk, Internal Control Department, Incontro Company, Ltd.3-5, Awajicho 2-chome, Chuuou-ku, Osaka, Osaka-fu 541-0047
Inquiries by email:
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